Eleven good things about 2016 and how they will continue (in random order)
1. Le Pustra’s Kabarett der Namenlosen. Inspiration in March; painting; and then seeing my painting on stage in September. A third run will be February 24-26 2017 https://www.facebook.com/events/1770320919885836/. I shall return again. And the cycle continues.

2. Colour Walks. Sue Kreitzman, Diane Goldie, Anne Sophie Cochevelou and Mei Hui in the #fuckfashion walk in Shoreditch in March. Again, inspired, painted, and returned for more colour walks. And still more to come.

3. The Mindreaders reunion. Medway legends came back with a bang: London, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Cologne. And more planned for next year. (See where this is going? Not only good stuff this year but more of all of it on the way!)

4. Dogs. Just because. Dogs are great. Dogs then, dogs now, dogs to come. (And cats when they’re not pissing on my stuff).
5. Paddle boarding. Joined the Hastings rowing club. No more cycling with inflatable paddle board on my back. More of that – plus learning to surf properly. As in stand up, on a wave, in the correct position. If that fails, just more wiping out 🙂
6. Drawing. Although Lucy‘s space sadly came to an end during the corporate pillage of London, the energy in the last few Drawing and Dancing sessions has galvanised us to continue. Next session is 5 February as part of Nwando Ebizie‘s exploration of perception, “Your Reality is Broken.” https://www.facebook.com/events/1914044812163475/
7. Barbary Lane. A pleasure to be involved with the set up, website and special event days at Brighton’s newest and brightest party shop. Ties with number 2 above nicely.
8. Summer holidays. Cycling around Paris and Versailles with my sister and our kids. Wonderful trip, fun times, the Louvre, the Tour de France, and then Tigger and I traveing on to Switzerland to meet up with old friends and play in the snow in July.
9. Drag. All of it. Like dogs, drag is just great. Past present and future. From RuPaul drag to Hastings old men wearing whatever the fuck they want. Love it.

10. Mediaeval Baebes 20 year anniversary show just before winter solstice. So magical. Let’s see the group on the road again. The world needs more Baebes.
11. ALL my wonderful friends and family. I can’t name everyone but you know who you are. So many good people have stuck together through thick and thin. It’s not been an easy year for most. There is so much fear and mistrust and anger in the world. Remember those who you love and hug them tight. Enjoy each moment. It’s all we can do. I know that sounds cliche but don’t know how else to say it.
And my final resolution for the new year is to write more. To not shy away from words. To keep chipping away at communication like a fine sculpture, and work with the mistakes rather than withdraw inwards and fight against them.
Best wishes for all for 2017.