I’m delighted to be involved with this project, put together by Gravesend painter Duncan Grant. It’s two packs of artists’ playing cards. Not Tarot but playing cards. Each of 52 cards designed by a different artist. I had the 10 of clubs, which would be the equivalent of the 10 of Batons in Tarot. Interesting to do this project just after finishing my Major Arcana.
Anyway, it’s a worthy and charitable project. Please click the link below for more information and to help. At £20 for two full decks (they are doing 2 decks because 104 artists wanted to participate! How exciting. And ambitious! 22 Stuckists were more than enough when Elsa Dax and I did the Stuckist Tarot a few years ago) these cards are a bargain. And proceeds go to charity.
The charities are:
Headway: a charity that assists people with brain injuries…they do art therapy as part of their program to help peoples recovery. They need a new kiln at their Welling facility which we wish to provide.
Artrack: Artrack-support-centre.aspx, a project that is part of the National autistic society that provides art facilties to allow autistic/aspergers people to have a space and facilities to create art. They need funds for materials, exhibiting and facilities and they have a workshop studio unit in Gravesend.
Art Inclusive: an exciting programme to encourage people at risk of social exclusion including disabled people, young persons at risk of offending, and others who are isolated from society such as the elderly and those being home schooled, to take up motivational and creative art workshops.
More info here: http://vikkihayman.wix.com/handofartist. And to donate and pre-order decks, go here.
The original cards will be shown at Nucleus Arts on 3 July 2015, 272 High Street, ME4 4BP Chatham, Medway.