Copyright notice: All works on this website remain copyright of me, Ella Guru. The copyright of a painting remains with the artist unless they sign it over to the new owner of the painting. Buying the physical painting does not give someone copyright of the painting. My ownership of copyright includes my right to reproduce my own images in publications and on the internet. It also includes my right to allow tattooists to use my designs for tattoos, even if someone else owns the original painting. Performers featured in paintings are given permission to use my image for their own promotional and personal use.
The designs and concepts are the exclusive copyright of Ella Guru, and may NOT be reproduced by anyone else in any form without written consent from myself. In the event a design is used without consent, a design fee will be enforced and legal action may also be pursued.
I am a generally friendly person. If you want to share an image, and give me full credit, and are not making any financial gain from it, I am likely to say yes. Just message me.
Disclaimer: Figures, objects and interiors appearing in my paintings are fictional creations staged from my imagination. Most reference is photography taken by myself of models I have selected.